Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air - but do you hold it within you? It is often said that one can only love and be loved when we love ourselves, yet often we find that it is easier to show love to those around us than to ourselves. It is so very important to care, love and respect ourselves. Self love boosts confidence, creates more happiness in our lives, aids in overcoming adversity, and helps you make healthier decisions for your body and mind.
Do you need a little inspiration for cultivating more self love? Try this . . .
As you sit down to write out a card or wrap a gift for a loved one in honor of Valentines Day, may I suggest taking five minutes to do the same for yourself? Get out a piece of paper, or better yet an actual card and write yourself a valentine. Make it personal and flesh it out with detail. Address it to yourself and write down all of the characteristics, features and accomplishments that you love about yourself then sign your name at the bottom. Now the best part - read it. And read it again, this time out loud.
If you find your inner critic take over and blocking you from finding positive things to write then take a moment to draw a quick self portrait (yes a stick figure is perfect) and write down all of this nonsense in thought bubbles around your head. Now that you’ve got that out of your system, acknowledge that this is not your whole self, turn the paper over and get back to your valentine!
Place your Valentine somewhere you can see it or tuck it into a private place to revisit during times of self doubt. If you feel you might need an extra boost later on go a head, pop it in the mail for a delayed dose of self-love. You deserve it!
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash