Did you know that your bones consist of living, growing tissue which changes throughout your life? Your bones are incredibly busy in an ongoing cycle of breaking down and rebuilding themselves. Bone loss is a natural process as we age but IT CAN BE minimized and even reversed in some cases. So, we shouldn't let fear of osteoporosis freeze us in our tracks, we must empower ourselves with knowledge!
Weight bearing exercises are recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation for building bone strength but I want to empower you with more knowledge about how exercise can help. Each Wednesday during the month of May Alexis will post a new exercise strategy for bone health on Instagram. To feed your knowledge Follow @bewellpilates on Instagram.
Weight bearing exercises are recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation for building bone strength but I want to empower you with more knowledge about how exercise can help. Each Wednesday during the month of May Alexis will post a new exercise strategy for bone health on Instagram. To feed your knowledge Follow @bewellpilates on Instagram.